Voter Empowerment: A Criminal Justice Transformation Town Hall
On September 8th, Initiatives of Change USA partnered with St. Peter Baptist Church's Social Justice Ministry to host a Virtual Townhall on voter information pertaining to the November 2020 Elections.
This informative conversation about important dates, included the deadline to register to vote, or update an existing registration, the easiest and more secure way to request an absentee ballot, changes that may have occurred since the last election and other vital information.
We believe that the ability to cast your vote is the most important civil right of all citizens. It is our goal to bring new citizens into the political process and to re-ignite the enthusiasm of those who have engaged in the process all their lives.
Hopefully, we will do our part to mobilize thousands of citizens to get out to vote…thus having the largest get-out-the vote in the history of the U.S.
This talk features Mark Coakley, the Director of Elections/Registrar Henrico County and Christopher Rashad Green, the Lead Organizer for New Virginia Majority’s Criminal Justice Campaigns. The host for the Townhall is Rev. Dr. Kirkland L. Walton from St. Peter Baptist Church. You will have the opportunity to learn about the early voting system. Also, we discuss and explain the voter restoration rights. It is our goal to eliminate the barriers to voting and improving the communications about areas where confusion exists about the election. We want to make sure that voters feel protected from practices that may be designed to keep them off the voter rolls and out of the voting booth.
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